Friday, June 28, 2013


Saw that Missouri (Pat Ivey - Head Strength and Conditioning Coach and Dr. Rick McGuire) hosted a clinic on developing the mental aspects of athlete development.  Although I did not attend (hope they have it in the future so will be able to make it),  we have used many of the ideas/concepts/resources put out by these two and others.  Everyone loves to talk about the mental aspects of training, however I wonder how often we are just giving it lip service.  Or do we strategize, research, exchange ideas and work on this component like we would when installing a new play/scheme or new training protocol?  I am as guilty as anyone when it comes to this, it often seems very subjective and hard to see the results during off season or summer training.

Below is information we covered on visulization last off season.  We used 5 minutes before workout each day to cover several topics.  If you would like information on the other topics let me know.  Email me a message at or send me a message on twitter @coachjburk

Some great resources
maybe they video taped the clinic and will have available - worth a try

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Chad Wesley Smith clinic/visit

I have been a fan of Chad Wesley Smith and his work with Juggernaut training for a some time.  This summer we wanted to bring in a speaker to help us prepare for our best Summer training ever.  Chad did not dissapoint.  He came for a one day seminar this past Saturday and presented on year round training for the football player.
Some key notes and ideas I factored in when writing summer programs include:

  • look at the player not the game (OL different than DB)
  • maximum sprints is a great stimulus on the body / give sprints the respect there due
  • weights follow speed, if you have a great speed session - dont need as much in the weight room
  • a movement is sports specific if it mimics 2 of the 3 qualities (direction,duration, velocity)
  • set up your training to be able to take stuff away as season nears
  • do least amount possible to get greatest results
  • incorporating medicine ball throws as part of in season training

Below is a link to Juggernaut and more specifics on alactic capacity training

Juggernaut training is exploding with growth and I highly recommend his manuals and the products/clinics he will soon be coming out with this Fall.

The next day we went to Metroflex gym in Arlington Texas where many elite bodybuilders, strongmen and powerlifters train.  3 of the best in the business - Chad, Josh Bryant and Blaine Sumner were there to train.  Some of the strongest guys Ive ever seen (evidence in the video below).  Also never seen a human eat as much as Chad - gotta feed the furnace.  Josh Bryant did not lift but is highly respected in the strength and conditioning industry and writes programs for elite lifters around the world (

Videos of Beast squatting